Monday, May 18, 2009

A good antiwar article at

Mike Whitney is antiwar, and he has got Barack Obama's number. You owe it to yourself to read Whitney's column in Counter Punch. <>
Among the subjects covered are:

The massacre (ca. 150 civilians killed, as a result of US aerial bombardment) in Farah Province, Afghanistan:

"... The facts have since been verified by senior government officials, high-ranking members of the Afghan military and representatives of the Red Cross. The United States military killed 143 unarmed villagers and then they tried to cover it up with a lie. None of the victims were fighters. After the bombing, the villagers loaded body parts onto carts and took them to the office of the regional governor who confirmed the deaths. The photos of grief-stricken Afghans burying their dead have been widely circulated on the Internet. "

Another topic:

"OBAMA PICKS A GENERAL: Enter the assassination squads

"This week, General David McKiernan was replaced by Lt. Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal as Commander of US Forces in Afghanistan. Here's how the Washington Post summarized McChrystal's qualifications for the job:

'McChrystal kills people. Has he ever worked in the counterinsurgency environment? Not really,' said Roger Carstens, a senior nonresident fellow at the Center for a New American Security and a former Special Forces officer....

'Lt. Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal, the former Special Operations chief who is President Obama's new choice to lead the war in Afghanistan, rose to military prominence because of his single-minded success in a narrow but critical mission: manhunting. As commander of the military's secretive Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) for nearly five years starting in 2003, McChrystal masterminded a campaign to perfect the art of tracking down enemies, and then capturing or killing them. He built a sophisticated network of soldiers and intelligence operatives who proceeded to decapitate the Sunni insurgent group al-Qaeda in Iraq and kill its most notorious leader, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. ("High-value-target hunter takes on Afghan war," Washington Post)

"Obama chose McChrystal because of his black ops' pedigree, which suggests that the conflict in Afghanistan is about to take a very ugly turn. According to Pulitzer Prize–winning investigative journalist Seymour Hersh, McChrystal ran the 'executive assassination wing' of the military's joint special-operations command.(JSOC) ...

"McChrystal's appointment suggests that Obama supports the idea that hunter-killer units and targeted assassinations are an acceptable means of achieving US foreign policy objectives. Obama supporters should pay close attention; this is a continuation of the Rumsfeld policy with one slight difference, a more persuasive and charismatic pitchman promoting the policy. Other than that, there's no difference ...


.... "Obama believes that civilian casualties are an unavoidable part of achieving one's policy goals. The end justifies the means. He has strengthened the Bush policy, not repudiated it. So much for 'change.'"

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