Friday, July 24, 2009

Remember Hiroshima, Remember Vietnam: Democratic Party, we know which side you're on!

The key to understanding contemporary "leftist" politicians like the contemptible thug Chavez or his fellow pro-capitalist "progressives," like Lula or Evo Morales, is grasping the truth that those clowns are in power to prevent fundamental social change, not lead it. This is immediately obvious in Venezuela, where Chavez has been in power for over ten years, and the country is *still* a market economy, still a place where impoverished workers are exploited by fat cats, just as they are in Brazil and Bolivia.

The election of charlatans like Chavez, or our own two-faced liar Obama, who campaigned against "Don't ask, don't tell" and against the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), but, as President, sends his "Justice" Department lawyers to intervene in defense of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" and DOMA, shows that "democratic" elections under capitalist rule are meaningless: working people vote for "progressives" or "leftists" who, once in power, invariably, and usually immediately, betray those that supported them.

A corollary of this truth is that, in the US, at least, all existing "social movememts" are simply extensions of the Democratic Party, and the real purpose of those "movements" is **not** fundamental change, but merely guaranteeing the re-election of Democratic Party hacks. An outfit called MERI, allegedly in favor of marriage equality for gay people in Rhode Island, recently used its blog to praise Bill Clinton, the Democratic Party politician who instituted "Don't ask, don't tell" and signed DOMA into law, and then boasted about that on Christian radio.

If MERI really wanted to win marriage equality, it would have to confront the homophobic Democratic Party of Bill Clinton, John Kerry, John Edwards, Obama (all of them opposed to gay marriage) and their fellow bigoted hacks; in the same way, if the "antiwar" movement were really about ending US aggression in the Middle East, that "movement," which disappears every other year, so as not to get in the way of Obama and the other pro-war Democrat multi-millionaires, would have oppose the Congressional Democrats, who go on appropriating tens of billions to ensure that the US military can continue to slaughter vast numbers of Muslims in the Mid-East. Of course, the "anti-war" "movement," being completely invertebrate, and utterly subservient to its masters in the Democratic Party, will never confront anything. It's just there to raise money for Democrat politicians and provide them with a platform for their lies, like Obama's promise to withdraw from Iraq. The bottom line is, the Democrats are an awful big part of the reason why there is never fundamental change in the US.

The only thing that counts is class struggle, independent action by workers in our own interests. Everything else, like elections or the 100% bullshit, Democrat-owned "movements" is just a swindle and a trap for hard-working proles like us.
-- Yosef M

Friday, July 3, 2009

U.S. loses equivalent of every job created in decade

[More change under Obama -- YM]
U.S. loses equivalent of every job created in decade
By Alia McMullen, Financial Post
Published: Thursday, July 02, 2009
The U.S. economy has lost the equivalent of every job created in the past nine years.
All job growth since the final year of the dot-com bubble, its recovery from the bust, and the ensuing six years of consumer-driven boom is now gone, leading some economists to fear an outright decline in wages will be next. Others believe the United States is on track for a painful "jobless recovery."
"This is the only recession since the Great Depression to wipe out all jobs growth from the previous business cycle, a testament both to the enormity of the current crisis and to the extreme weakness of jobs growth over the business cycle from 2000 to 2007," said Heidi Shierholz, an economist at Washington-based think tank The Economic Policy Institute. "It is apparent that, despite the substantial positive impact of the February recovery package, the economy's dramatic deterioration from November to March was even greater than anticipated."
Non-farm employment fell for the 18th consecutive month in June, dropping by a worse-than-expected 467,000, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics figures showed Thursday. The decline marked the longest run of job destruction in the post World War II period.
Since the recession began in December 2007, the jobs market has shrunk by 6.5 million positions, pushing the unemployment rate up 4.6 percentage points to 9.5% -- the highest rate since 1981. Nine million part-time workers are in want of full-time jobs, and a record 29% of unemployed have been jobless for more than six months ....

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Milwaukee USA— College students support UE strikers

[From Fight Back News]

Milwaukee students support UE strikers

Members of Milwaukee Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) demonstrated June 23 in front of the downtown Wells Fargo building after UE Workers at Quad City Die Casting in Moline, Illinois called for a national day of action to be held outside Wells Fargo banks nationwide.

Kas Schwerdtferger, an SDS member at the rally, said, "As students, we know it's important to show support for workers fighting for their jobs. We're in this economic crisis together and are ready to do whatever it takes to fight back against unjust cuts."

Milwaukee SDS is prepared to support these workers in whatever actions are called.