Tuesday, September 23, 2008

August 6 leaflet

US Troops Out of Iraq! No Attack on Iran!

From the Liga de Trabajadores por el Socialismo – Contracorriente of Mexico, section of the Fracción Trotskista por la Cuarta Internacional, we greet the mobilizations that are being carried out in different US cities against any attack on Iran.

With the excuse of the “war on terror,” Bush has sought to reaffirm his domination over the peoples of the world, as we have seen in Afghanistan and Iraq, where the plans of the Republican administration have gotten bogged down. For socialists, beyond the profound strategic differences we have with the reactionary, bourgeois Iranian government, any attack against Iran, whether ordered by the Republicans or by an eventual Democratic administration, is a part of this offensive that attempts to provide more secure bases for imperialist domination in the world. And we must not forget that this is the same US government under which harsh measures are applied against US workers, against health care and education, the same government that persecutes millions of our brothers and sisters from Mexico and Central America, who cross the border in search of work.

Faced with this, anti-war mobilizations in the US are an essential ally for the struggle of the oppressed peoples. We must not lower our guard; indeed, we must increase our efforts to set up real anti-war movements to raise the perspective of defeating the imperialist occupation in Iraq and curbing any eventual attack against Iran.
Manos a la obra -- Let’s get to work!

US troops out of Iraq! No attack on Iran!

For the unity of the workers and youth that are mobilizing in the US with the peoples oppressed by imperialism

For the unity of Mexican and US workers, on both sides of the border, who suffer from the anti-worker plans of the imperialist bourgeoisie

Liga de Trabajadores por el socialismo – Contracorriente, of Mexico www.ltscc.org.mx

Section of the Fracción Trotskista Estrategia Internacional

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